Helpful thoughts on troubling questions, edited by incarcerated Set Free Ministries workers at Potosi Correctional Center in Missouri.
Captive’s Corners
Indwelling Sin
We are born with sin as our master. We serve sin, doing those things that are contrary to God and His character. The Bible speaks of this as walking in the flesh and in the darkness. When the Spirit begins His work in our lives, He brings us into the light where Christ is … [Read more...]
In Who’s Name Are We to Be Baptized?
A question sometimes arises as to Who’s name or what title or formula is to be used when baptizing. The following remarks are written in order to clarify this question. To begin we must understand that it is the Spirit and not the letter of the law that gives life – 2 Corinthians … [Read more...]
Great Truths Concerning The Church
The life of every believer in Christ and, thus, the church, is the place God has chosen to put His Name and display His glory. Compare Haggai 1:1–2:9 with 1 Cor 3:16 and Eph 2:19-22 “… ye are the temple of God” and “… an holy temple of God.” Christ has such loving affections for … [Read more...]
God’s Grace Provision for Temptation
Greetings in the mighty name of the true God and Eternal Life Jesus Christ! (1 John 5:20; Titus 2:13). He is our Savior (Deliverer) from sin’s penalty (Rom 5:8; Heb 7), from sin’s power in our daily life (Rom 6:8; 8:2), and from sin’s presence in and effect on our body (1Cor … [Read more...]
God’s Grace Provision for Pain and Suffering
I have good news regarding your letter about God not answering your prayer about your suffering from injury to your body. Jesus will deliver every believer from sin’s presence in and effect on the body. We learn of this deliverance in His Word. God has not been silent on the … [Read more...]
God’s Grace and Government
This title presents a very important and practical truth in Scripture. If understood, it would make more clear how God works in our life as well as make clear many commonly misunderstood passages in Scripture. It would also help us to experience Christ’s life within us, being … [Read more...]
God Keeps You Saved Forever
God is Just and Holy. Therefore, He must judge sin (Is 6:3; Gen 2:17; Ezek 18:4). God is also love. Thus, He takes no pleasure in judging to death those He created to be in intimate relationship with (1 Jn 4:7-8; Ez 33:11). So He sent His Son on a great rescue mission to take on … [Read more...]
Gambling fever rages in America today. Statistics show that today, as a whole, Americans are tithing 10% of their income to gambling. It infects us to the tune of fifty billion dollars a year! In an attempt to get money without raising taxes and also to keep some of this gambling … [Read more...]
Freedom From Sin’s Bondage
We have good news for your desire to stop sinning and to put off any old habit that has bound you for a time. In Jesus Christ there is deliverance. However, to know His power in your life, you must be certain that you have repented to God of your sins and accepted His Son Jesus … [Read more...]
Free Indeed
There are many things in your past life that you are probably ashamed of and you feel the guilt due to your sin. This is good. God only saves sinners, so you can rest assured that He can save you. He desires that you grow to hate your sin and your sinful ways. He knows that you … [Read more...]