Emmaus Correspondence School
Jesus Himself drew near and went with them... He expounded to them in all the Scriptures
the things concerning Himself. - Luke 24:15, 27
Our mission is to obey our Lord Jesus Christ when He said: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..." Matthew 28:18-20
A disciple is a "learner" or "taught one." Jesus would have all learn from Him and obey His teachings. God's Word - the Holy Bible - is the key to learning from Jesus, for God uses the Scriptures to reveal Himself to us. Through the use of Bible correspondence courses our students learn to look to Jesus Christ and His Word for life and guidance.
More About Set Free
In 1974 five men with a vision to reach the people of Missouri for Christ established the St. Louis center. Through the use of Emmaus courses, what was then a handful of students has grown to an active student enrollment over 2,600 students now in 218 prisons/jails.
1 in 3 people know someone who has been arrested or behind bars. We believe that if we can reach the person incarcerated then he/she will reach out to their family and friends with the Gospel. We can literally change the world through our prisons!!!
Set Free Ministries serves inmates in prisons and jails in Missouri and Illinois. These incarcerated students account for the majority our enrollment, but we also serve students from the general public through our domestic ministry. Nearly 36,000 courses were sent out in 2016 and just over 28,000 were graded.
Our desire is to make the Emmaus road to Bible knowledge available to everyone.
ECS Set Free Video
Introductory Courses
Basic Adult Curriculum
- God Is There
- A Journey Through the Bible
- Lessons for Christian Living
- The Gospel of John
- Guide to Christian Growth
- Romans
- Proverbs for Life
Survey Of The Bible

Our Start
In 1974 five men with a vision to reach men and women who are incarcerated established a distribution center....
Our Labor Of Love
During the past few years Set Free Ministries has sent out an average of 23,000 courses and graded an average of 15,000 courses per year....Captive’s Corner

Why the Bible Is Omitted
Does God speak to us? If so, how? These are very important questions to be asking yourself, because how you answer them will determine how you will live in … [Read More...]

Why Believers Get Sick and Die
The subject of illness and death for believers can often become a subject of contention and division among believers in Christ. The purpose of this paper … [Read More...]

Which Religion Is Correct?
As a young person I asked "Which religion is correct?" I even spent several years of my life searching for the answer to this question. I majored in … [Read More...]