Jesus Alone Can Save

As you probably know, a great old testament saint – David – was found at one time in his life to be an adulterer and a murderer. By God’s law as well as by man’s, he was worthy of death. Having been brought under conviction of sin by the hand of Nathan the prophet, David wrote a number of songs that expressed how he felt and to Whom he looked for mercy and restoration – Psalms 32; 51. You will notice that Psalm 32 is quoted in Romans 4 as proof that a man is justified before God on the principle of faith and not works. Further, Psalm 51 shows us what God expects from man when he is found guilty before God. Admitting that under the law there was no sacrifice to bring to God for the sins that he had committed, he offered the one thing he could – a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. As he confessed his sin, he found that God could forgive him and restore him to the enjoyment of fellowship with Him – Psalm 51:10-13; 86:5. Of course, God could only do so because He was to send His unique Son to die in David’s place on the cross. So, too, God can forgive you because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross – Romans 3:21-26. Do you see what your sin and David’s sin and my sin cost Him? If your ways are to change, you must repent before God of your sin and cling to Jesus for renewed life and direction.

You are worthy of death. In Christ you can be set free of the penalty you deserve because He has borne the penalty in your place. Further, in Christ resurrected you can now live to God as a new creation. His blood cleanses you of all sins – Romans 5:6-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Now, you may still have to suffer the consequences of your sin here on earth, but you need never fear punishment in the world to come. David saw his child die, his kingdom divide, and his family broken as a result of what he did. But, by God’s power alone, he was assured of eternity with His Lord because he sought Him by faith alone. He learned in his failure to truly worship the one most holy God. The question you need to ask yourself is:

Do you have faith in God and His Son? If you do, His Spirit will confirm in your inward man that you know Him as your Savior and that you know God as your Father – Romans 8:16; 1John 5:8-13.

Assurance of your salvation must rest totally upon His Word to you in spite of the failures you can so clearly see in yourself. Yet, if you say you believe, but you do not do what He requires, you may simply be deceiving yourself. How did you “accept Him into your life?” By faith? Or some other method such as “asking Him in” or being baptized or joining a church. All such efforts of man are futile. Christ alone can save. He does so when a person repents, having a change of mind from his evil ways to God, putting His trust in Christ alone to save him. His Spirit then comes to live within, confirming the truth of God’s Word to the heart. There is no “rational proof” that the Bible is God’s Word, although reason is on the side of truth. Rather, His Spirit must instruct the heart – 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 John 2:19, 27; 3:24; 4:12-16. Obviously, what I am saying is that we cannot tell you whether or not you are saved. It is true that if you have accepted Jesus, then God is bound by His very Word to save you for all eternity. If your life has not reflected His life since you professed faith in Him, this does not speak well for your confession. God knows. If this is the case, I believe that you ought to make things sure NOW.

Do you see your sin and confess your lost, hell deserving state? Do you now accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior and Lord? Are you trusting in Him alone for your salvation? He alone can save – John 5:24.

We trust that these words will be of some help to you. I believe that the Emmaus Bible correspondence courses will be a great help to you in firming up your understanding of your acceptance with God. So, keep learning from Him through His Word. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God – Romans 10:17.

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Jesus Alone Can Save

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